Good Economy-The book

Our economical system is in a deep crisis.  One of the many symptoms is the climate with the common uncertainty.  Despite considerable innovative efforts and an enormous communication work it gets more and more difficult to guarantee more growth and stronger inland inquiries.  The GoodEconomy concept is in contrast.  It analyses  the mental and tangible cause of a creeping destabilisation.  Out of it a new value creation is being established in stimulation ethic marketing effectively.  GoodEconomy is a pragmatic answer to constant failures of regulatory policies, to guarantee prosperity and to spread it across borders.  It transfers the idea of social market economy into entrepreneurial thinking and doing.  An important reading for managers, marketing specialists and politicians that are looking for new ways into the future.


Download Einleitung zur Good Economy
Download 1. Das Unglück der Habseligen
Download 2. Das strategische Denken und seine Folgen
Download 3. Die Erfolgsfaktoren des ethischen Marketings
Download 4. Von Werbung zu werthaltiger Kommunikation
Download 5. Die Ethik und das Bewusstsein der Freiheit
Download 6. Welcome to the Good Economy


Welcome to the Good Economy
Paul Gutmann
Hab&Gut Edition 12004
© 2004 Hab&Gut, Frankfurt Rhein-Main
Ryszard Lempart und Michael Kuhlmann
Ungekürzte Erstausgabe
ISBN 3-00-013900-1

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